The Subgenres of Heavy Metal

The Introductory Album Project

Goal: The point of this project was to come up with a generally agreed upon list which would act as an introduction to the sound and style of each of the subgenres. Each list was crafted as a fair presentation of the style and while it takes into count the mind of a newcomer it also tries to present the full scope of the genre. More challenging records are apart of this list if they are important cornerstones of the subgenre. The Main subgenre list (Heavy Metal -> Black) was processed through community until the least amount of objections was reached. The Fusion and Derivation list was less scrutinized and created by a few individual fans of of each style. While these lists are certainly not perfect it is our hope that they get a newcomer most if not halfway into the sound and theme of each subgenre.

Each of the albums are now linked to their EM page due to Youtube pulling down videos.

Introducing the Main Subgenres

Heavy Metal (1970's)

Heavy Metal (1980's)






Introducing Mixed Genres, Fusions, Evolutions, & Derivatives




Crust Punk

Metallic Hardcore

Death / Thrash

Death / Doom

Black / Thrash

Black / Death

Folk Metal

Progressive Metal

Melodic Death

Stoner Doom

Progressive Death

Atmospheric Black

Brutal Death

Funeral Doom

Melodic Death/Doom

Melodic Black

Technical Death

Depressive Suicidal Black Metal

Post Metal

Post Black

-- Thanks to /u/hopsicles for formatting this list.

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