Top 25 Grindcore


So for those out of the loop: These votes originated on this sub's official Discord server, where we were having top 25 subgenre votes because we are nerds with too much free time it was a fun as a community to compare notes and see what makes each other tick. Due to the popularity of those votes we decided to open them up to the Shreddit community at large, resulting in 5 fantastic votes so far: Thrash, Death Metal, Trad, Doom, Black and now GRINDCOREEEEE.

Somewhat shockingly, this vote has proven to be one of our more popular ones turnout wise, with 68 responses overall. That may not sound like much, but considering it's more than the vote for death and thrash that is quite cool.

As always, thank you to all who voted! I would like to say a huge thank you to both Mr Crytpopunk and Mr fleshgolem all this wonderful data you are about to read. Another thanks is in order for the lovely Ms /u/imafreakininja and the team of Sorcerers over on our Discord for helping maintain the imgur gallery when most of us mods where too busy playing with the new bot.

Top 25 Grindcore Albums


Rank Band Album Votes
1 Repulsion Horrified 45
2 Terrorizer World Downfall 41
3 Insect Warfare World Extermination 37
4 Napalm Death From Enslavement to Obliteration 27
5 Pig Destroyer Prowler in the Yard 27
6 Discordance Axis The Inalienable Dreamless 25
7 Napalm Death Scum 18
8 Carcass Reek of Putrefaction 18
9 Cloud Rat Moksha 15
10 Wormrot Voices 14
11 Death Toll 80K Harsh Realities 14
12 Assück Anticapital 13
13 Assück Misery Index 13
14 Nuclear Death Bride of Insect 13
15 Pig Destroyer Terrifyer 12
16 Nasum Inhale/Exhale 12
17 Brutal Truth Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses 12
18 Magrudergrind Magrudergrind 12
19 Carcass Symphonies of Sickness 11
20 Gridlink Longhena 11
21 Dead Infection A Chapter of Accidents 10
22 Archagathus Canadian Horse 10
23 Wormrot Abuse 9
24 P.L.F. Devious Persecution and Wholesale Slaughter 9
25 Exhumed Gore Metal 9


Top 25 Grindcore Bands


Band Votes
Napalm Death 56
Repulsion 45
Pig Destroyer 43
Terrorizer 42
Insect Warfare 39
Carcass 31
Wormrot 31
Discordance Axis 27
Assück 26
Nasum 25
Cloud Rat 24
Brutal Truth 20
Nuclear Death 15
P.L.F. 15
Death Toll 80K 15
Blood 14
Rotten Sound 14
Agoraphobic Nosebleed 14
Magrudergrind 14
Dead Infection 13
Exhumed 13
Gridlink 12
Impetigo 12
Archagathus 11
Cattle Decapitation 11
Nails 11

Yearly Distribution


Year Votes
1986 45
1987 4
1988 35
1989 112
1990 30
1991 18
1992 20
1993 10
1994 9
1995 16
1996 12
1997 26
1998 26
1999 15
2000 59
2001 30
2002 19
2003 23
2004 23
2005 14
2006 18
2007 50
2008 8
2009 38
2010 16
2011 45
2012 12
2013 35
2014 31
2015 26
2016 27
2017 17
2018 27
2019 18
2020 2


Distribution by Country


Country Sum of Votes
United States 516
United Kingdom 106
Sweden 44
Finland 42
Canada 33
Singapore 31
Germany 30
Japan 21
Poland 17
Australia 17
Belgium 9
Czechia 9
Netherlands 9
Norway 6
Mexico 5
France 3
Spain 3
Iceland 3
Switzerland 3
Brazil 2
Russia 2
Italy 1
Slovakia 1
Greece 1
Nepal 1
Chile 1


Here is the imgur album featuring the charts that users over on our Discord have made.

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