Top 3 2023

Thank you one and all who voted this past week. Please see below for some new metal music. As always this list is our way to keep up with new music and we are less worried about what is #1 versus what we haven't heard. We have done quarter lists for a while so you can see what has been hot all year and what has fallen off versus what is acting like the fucking own the place. Also see the Spotify link for a direct line into how to annoy your coworkers while looking like a maniac. We will see you in the Summer!

Spotify Playlist Of Most Albums

Top 3 of 2023

Position / Album Vote Count Genre
#1. Hellripper - Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags 51 Black / Speed / Motorcycles on the Weekend
#2. Majesties - Vast Reaches Unclaimed 32 Melodic Death for people who don't like Melodic Death
#3. Ulthar - Anthronomicon // Helionomicon ~28 Do You Know What This Abstract Black Death Sound Needs? A Double Album.
Insomnium - Anno 1696 20 Melodic Death
Ahab - The Coral Tombs 16 Funeral Doom / Themes: Nautical literature
Enslaved - Heimdal 15 Genre: An Enslaved Album
Arnaut Pavle - Transylvanian Glare 15 Dracula... if he wasnt a fucking wimp
Thy Darkened Shade - Liber Lvcifer II: Mahapralaya 13 I See You Shredditcord
Profane Order - One Nightmare Unto Another 11 Bulldozer Black/Death
Megaton Sword - Might & Power 10 Epic Heavy
Häxanu - Totenpass 9 Black / Rituals By Witches
Afsky -Om hundrede år 8 FFO: Drudkh, Woods, Weeping Alone
Carnosus - Visions of Infinihility 7 Probably What Planescape Sounds Like If It Was An Album
Twilight Force - At The Heart Of Wintervale 7 This is perfect dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
The Gauntlet - Dark Steel and Fire 7 Strong Backpatch Material
Sanguisugabogg - Homicidal Ecstasy 7 Death...shocker
Ne Obliviscaris - Exul 6 Hey When Did Elden Ring Make An Album?
Conjureth - The Parasitic Chambers 6 Death (Adept)
Theophonos - Nightmare Visions 6 Black But Upside Down
Gatekeeper - From Western Shores 6 Epic Heavy
Primitive Man / Full of Hell - Suffocating Hallucination 6 Cool, like a superhero crossover but to make everyone miserable
Katatonia - Sky Void of Stars 6 Gothic/Alternative/Progressive Rock/Metal (later)
...And Oceans - As In Gardens, So In Tombs 5 The Tome of Strahd is the journal and spellbook of Strahd von Zarovich. It is written in a personal cipher that incorporates elements of Common, Elvish, and Abyssal, as well as several other languages.
Vosbúð - Heklugjá 5 Black
Ὁπλίτης - Ψ​ε​υ​δ​ο​μ​έ​ν​η 5 Progressive Death / Black from China making an album about Greek History and Mythology. The Future is Now.
Sodality - Benediction part 1 5 Cultes des Ghoules related if the skulls were not an immediate tip off.
Astriferous - Pulsations From The Black Orb 5 You Cant Die From Tripping Right?
Oozing Wound - We Cater To Cowards 5 Nirvana ... if they never made Nevermind
Oak - Disintegrate 5 Funeral Doom
Gabestok - Med freden kommer hadet 5 black_metal_internet_core

The Few The Proud, the 4s and 3s

Necropanther - Betrayal [US, Black/Thrash] 4

Air Raid - Fatal Encounter [Sweden, Hard Rock / Heavy] 4

Night Demon - Outsider [US, Heavy] 4

Tetrasigil - Forest Storm [Finland, Black] 4

Malleus - The Fires of Heaven [US, Black / Speed] 3

Deiquisitor - Apotheosis [Denmark, Death] 3

Screamer - Kingmaker [Sweden, Heavy] 3

Rezn - Solace [US, Psych / Doom] 3

Gorod - The Orb [France, Progressive Death] 3

Nothingness - Supraliminal [US, Death] 3

Mansion - Second Death [Finland, Psych / Doom] 3

Kruelty - Untopia [Japan, Death / Doom] 3

Liturgy - 93696 [US, Avant / Experimental] 3

Shredditcord's Too Cool For School Chart

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