Top 25 Black Metal


So for those out of the loop: These votes originated on this sub's official Discord server, where we were having top 25 subgenre votes because we are nerds with too much free time it was a fun as a community to compare notes and see what makes each other tick. Due to the popularity of those votes we decided to open them up to the Shreddit community at large, resulting in 5 fantastic votes so far: Thrash, Death Metal, Trad, Doom and now, Black Metal.

Thank you to all who voted! I would like to say a huge thank you to mr fleshgolem (I don't know your Reddit name) for generating all this wonderful data you are about to read. Another thanks is in order for the lovely Ms /u/imafreakininja, for helping maintain the imgur gallery when most of us mods looked at it and poked it with a stick.

Without further ado, here are the results:




Rank Artist Album Votes
1 Bathory Under the Sign of the Black Mark 37
2 Darkthrone A Blaze in the Northern Sky 33
3 Dissection Storm of the Light's Bane 29
4 Mayhem De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 24
5 Ulver Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr I 5 Capitler 24
6 Burzum Filosofem 24
7 Immortal At the Heart of Winter 23
8 Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse 22
9 Rotting Christ Thy Mighty Contract 19
10 Sarcófago I.N.R.I. 18
11 Darkthrone Under a Funeral Moon 18
12 Burzum Hvis Lyset Tar Oss 18
13 Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger 18
14 Mgła With Hearts Toward None 16
15 Emperor Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk 16
16 Necromantia Scarlet Evil Witching Black 15
17 Weakling Dead as Dreams 15
18 Master's Hammer Ritual 14
19 Macabre Omen Gods of War - At War 14
20 Bathory Blood Fire Death 14
21 Misþyrming Söngvar Elds Og óreiðu 14
22 Nifelheim Nifelheim 13
23 Deathspell Omega Paracletus 13
24 Varathron His Majesty at the Swamp 12
25 Mgła Exercises in Futility 12




Artist Vote Count
Darkthrone 80
Bathory 69
Burzum 50
Immortal 41
Emperor 39
Mayhem 39
Dissection 36
Ulver 35
Rotting Christ 34
Mgła 29
Deathspell Omega 24
Mortuary Drape 21
Panopticon 21
Venom 19
Varathron 19
Summoning 19
Enslaved 19
Agalloch 19
Misþyrming 19
Celtic Frost 18
Sarcófago 18
Gorgoroth 18
Inquisition 17
Wolves in the Throne Room 17
Master's Hammer 16

Here is the imgur album collecting our Discord user's charts.

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