Top 25 Sludge Metal

Welcome to the results of Shreddit’s Sludge Metal vote!

Thank you to all of you who took part. We only had around 50 responses this time, which could because the vote was over a shorter amount of time or because of popularity of sludge. Who knows? Either way, 50 isn't too bad and it gives us enough data to play with.

For those out of the loop: These votes originated on this sub's official Discord server, where we were having top 25 subgenre votes because we are nerds with too much free time it was a fun as a community to compare notes and see what makes each other tick. Due to the popularity of those votes we decided to open them up to the Shreddit community at large, resulting in 5 fantastic votes so far: Thrash, Death Metal, Trad, Doom, Black, Grindcore, Power, and now SLUDGE!

As always, thank you to mr fleshgolem and his fleshbot for helping to count the votes.

Without further ado, here are the results:


Eyehategod Take as Needed for Pain 16 1993 United States
Acid Bath When the Kite String Pops 15 1994 United States
Neurosis Through Silver in Blood 13 1996 United States
Isis Oceanic 13 2002 United States
Neurosis Times of Grace 11 2009 United States
Indian From All Purity 11 2014 United States
Lord Mantis Pervertor 10 2012 United States
Primitive Man Scorn 10 2013 United States
Mastodon Remission 10 2002 United States
Acid Bath Paegan Terrorism Tactics 9 1996 United States
Kylesa Static Tensions 9 2009 United States
Thou Heathen 9 2014 United States
Brainoil Brainoil 8 2003 United States
Baroness Blue Record 8 2009 United States
Iron Monkey Our Problem 8 1998 United Kingdom
Mastodon Leviathan 8 2004 United States
Melvins Houdini 8 1993 United States
Grief Dismal 7 1992 United States
Meth Drinker Meth Drinker 7 2011 New Zealand
Baroness Red Album 7 2007 United States
Old Man Gloom The Ape of God 7 2014 United States
Noothgrush Erode the Person 7 1999 United States
Amenra Mass IIII 6 2008 Belgium
Bongripper Satan Worshipping Doom 6 2010 United States
Melvins Bullhead 6 1991 United States


Neurosis 36
Eyehategod 26
Melvins 26
Mastodon 25
Acid Bath 24
Thou 19
Isis 19
Grief 18
Baroness 18
Kylesa 17
High on Fire 17
Crowbar 16
Primitive Man 15
Cult of Luna 14
Old Man Gloom 13
Conan 12
Indian 12
Lord Mantis 11
Inter Arma 11
Amenra 11
Dystopia 11
Iron Monkey 11
Brainoil 10
Buzzov•En 8
Meth Drinker 8


United States 533
United Kingdom 44
Sweden 22
Japan 16
Germany 13
France 13
Belgium 11
Canada 10
New Zealand 8
Finland 3
Switzerland 3
Denmark 2
Italy 1
Netherlands 1
Australia 1

As for the album charts, I don't think we have them collected in an imgur library yet. However, if you'd like to browse them they are still pinned in the vote channel over on our Discord.

Regarding the next vote: I am not sure where we stand now. We have done most of the 'big' genres, so perhaps now is the time to start focusing on more specific subgenres, scenes and the like. I suggested a post-2000 black metal vote and that seems to have had an eager reception, so what are your thoughts?

EDIT: The charts can now be found here.

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