Top 10 2013 Playlist

Well here it is, our top 10 0f 2013. There is a lot of things going on so be sure to read everything and keep checking back throughout the day. Thanks to everyone who was excited for this, I used our last year's list to find awesome things. Even though the final list will be a collaborative effort, find individual users you respect and check out their entries. Use this list as a tool to find more records. Never be the person that says "X was a bad year for X." If you are not happy with a certain genre in a year, you are not looking hard enough. Most things are amazing.

Also, just for fun also check out our discussion on the album of 2013 and look at our exictment on records that either never came out or were not that great.

Voting: Please supply a list of as much as 10 entries. Please put the Band Name - Album and not use slang or acronyms. This will ensure accuracy when I recount. Each vote counts as one so any order is fine but a 1-10 will be read by everyone and personalize your list.

Supperlatives: In addition we have some fun categories you can supply after. These do not count to the final vote but they are fun to round out your year.

  • Best EP/Split/Demo/Compilation
  • Best Album found on Bandcamp
  • Most entertaining record that didn't make a list.
  • Record you thought was going to be higher but was not
  • Deepest, Darkest, or Most Evil.
  • Biggest Disappointment, Let Down, or Most Baffling.

I: Mod Lists (our votes do not count more, we just have boxed seats with an open bar)

Kaptain Carbon -- Write up

  1. Satan - Life Sentence
  2. Caladan Brood - Echoes of Battle
  3. Oranssi Pazuzu -Valonielu
  4. Tribulation - the Formulas of Death
  5. Altar of Plagues - Teethed Injury and Glory
  6. Ruins of Beverast - Blood Vaults: The Blazing Gospel of Heinrich Kramer
  7. Atleantean Kodex - White Goddess
  8. Cultes De Ghouls - Henbane
  9. Grave Miasma - Odori Sepulcrorum
  10. Inquisition - Obscure Verses for the Multiverse


  1. Procession - To Reap Heavens Apart
  2. Satan - Life Sentence
  3. Tribulation - The Formulas of Death
  4. Atlantean Kodex - White Goddess
  5. Verminous - The Unholy Communion
  6. Hell - Curse and Chapter
  7. Ravensire - We March Forward
  8. Grave Miasma - Odori Sepulcrorum
  9. Thou Art Lord - The Regal Pulse of Lucifer
  10. Acerus - The Unreachable Salvation

deathofthesun's EPs, singles and demos of 2013:

  1. Solstice - Death's Crown is Victory
  2. Ranger - Knights of Darkness
  3. Slough Feg - Laser Enforcer
  4. Brutality - Ruins of Humans
  5. October 31 - Gone to the Devil
  6. Zom - Multiversal Holocaust
  7. Deceptor - Chains of Delusion
  8. High Spirits - 2013
  9. Dread Sovereign - Pray to the Devil in Man
  10. Second Grave - Antithesis

II: Shreddits Real Time Top 10 of 2013 -- Between lunch, dinner, and EDH

--Voting Closed--

  1. Gorguts - Colored Sands [29]
  2. Satan - Life Sentence [25]
  3. Carcass - Surgical Steel [23]
  4. Deafheaven - Sunbather [22]
  5. Inquisition - Obscure Verses for the Multiverse [20]
  6. Altar of Plagues - Teethed Injury and Glory [12]
  7. Skeletonwitch - Serpents Unleashed [16]
  8. Abyssal - Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius [10]
  9. Cultes De Ghoules - Henbane [11]
  10. Ulcerate - Vermis [9]

Commentary: holy shit, star quarterback, Deafheaven is having a rough 1st quarter being taken out by the expected Carcass and Gorguts. Inquisition and Satan are doing surprisingly well and Beyond is hot trotting out of nowhere. Black Sabbath doesn't know where they are.

2nd Quarter: The votes are still being tallied but Satan has made a huge jump up. The crowd is going wild for old heavy metal. Cultes De Ghoules is making impressive strides and Ulcerate pile drove its way out onto the field. Inquisition is holding strong. Black Sabbath is running the other way, what is he doing. He seems confused. Cultes De Ghoules is still scaring children. Deafheaven seems to be fashionably uninterested in everything that is going on.

Halftime Show: Gorguts is unstoppable as the voting is starting to take on a self propelled machine. Grave Miamsa and Black Sabbath falls off with only 4 votes while Tribulation and Kverlertak try to hold on. I am still surprised at the late game performance of Satan even though Shreddit is pretty much the only place that is holding that album to its fullest potential. inquisition needs to make a turn around otherwise it is going to rest comfortably in the middle. Skeletonwitch could easily get ten more votes before the close of the day sending it up to the top. Now time for an ad that will sell you beer in a comedic yet passive way.

Breaking /u/AxeheaveR has just saved Grave Miasma putting it at the bottom of the list. This cavernous death metal is not beaten yet. Aosoth has officially been counted and wasn't noticed but now is running really fast down the field shrieking. Where is In Solitude? He is back at the hotel. holy shit, he forgot to set an alarm.

3rd Quarter: Unless Deafheaven calls into a game breaking play, there seems to be no way of overcoming this lead that Gorguts has claimed. Satan and Inquisition seem to have allied make game changing combos. They seem inseparable like some sort of elitist twins. Carcass seems red in the face and is taking gulps of Gatorade with fevered intensity. Wait, what is this ... Black Sabbath has gotten in their car and went home. I'm sorry, wait. Yes, they are eating concession stand food in the car and not playing anymore.

4th Quarter: I think we can safely call 2013 as the year of Gorguts and Deafheaven which is in no way surprising. what I am shocked at is how well Satan and Inquisition did against ever metal blogs BFF Carcass. Abyssal also shot way up there upsetting Skeletonwitch and Painting II's favorite Altar of Plagues. Now that the top has been counted, it is time to go through this thread and flag the ones you trust and listen to their entries. Thanks to all who participated, I will still count votes but aint nothing stopping Gorguts from getting really drunk at a shitty club later and getting into a fight that will end up on national television.

OVERTIME Holy shit, Satan is still playing. Thanks to the contributions from some last night /r/metal veterans Satan sneaks by Defheaven while everyone is leaving the stadium. Its all over. People are rushing the field. Gorguts is still getting drunk and trying to pick up groupies at the club but Satan has overcome everything.

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